Shamokin Area Elementary & Intermediate School
Dedicated To Excellence In Education
Clearance Information
All school volunteers must now obtain a volunteer Service Code from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS). This change is in response to a bulletin issued by DHS that indicates all individuals governed by the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) must obtain clearances through DHS. This change includes all public, private, and nonpublic school volunteers. I have not received any other information or instructions on what this code is or where it can be found so individuals will have to contact DHS directly at 1-877-371-5422 or until this information is communicated with me.
This change is not retroactive, so individuals who hold current clearances do not need to obtain new clearances until they are due. All individuals who apply for new FBI Volunteer Clearances will use the new system. The PDE service code is no longer available.