Shamokin Area School District
Dedicated To Excellence In Education
The Shamokin Area School District has organized a monetary funding drive for a BackPack Program to support our “at risk” students. The BackPack food program provides a bag of nonperishable food to children in need that they can take home and eat when school meal programs are unavailable. These bags are often distributed into children’s backpacks at school to participating children by their teacher as they leave Friday or before a long break. The contents of the bag can vary depending on the food and donations available.
The BackPack Program is a great way to get food directly into the hands of children who need it. A child who is ill-equipped to learn because of hunger and poverty is more likely to be poor as an adult. As such, the existence of childhood hunger in the United States threatens future American prosperity. The BackPack Program is an effective way to address child hunger in your community. If you have any questions please call 570-648-5752 extension 4122.
If you would like to participate in the BackPack Program or sponsor a child for $250.00 a year make checks payable to Shamokin Area School District and mail to Shamokin School District 2000 West State Street, Coal Township Attention BackPack Program. If your organization would like to sponsor a non-perishable food drive, we would accept the donations. You will find a list of single serving foods recommended to support our BackPack Program included. Thank you for your support in the BackPack Program.