Shamokin Area School District
Dedicated To Excellence In Education
Special Education Information for Parents and Educators
The Shamokin Area School District is dedicated to providing the best and most appropriate
education to all students. Services provided by the district include Academic; Gifted; Life Skills Support; Emotional Support;Autistic Support; Speech and Language; Sensory and Physical. In addition, the district workswith CSIU 16 and Kidsworks to provide services to our students.Questions or concerns regarding special education services within the district can be directed to:Office of Special Education
2000 West State Street
Coal Township, PA 17866Phone: (570) 648-5731, extension 3602Fax: (570) 648-9113Carol BainbridgeSpecial Education SecretaryPhone: (570) 648-5731, extension 3602Fax: (570) 648-9113Notice to Parents of Children who Reside in
Shamokin Area School DistrictIn compliance with state and federal law, notice is hereby given by the Shamokin Area School District that it conducts ongoing identification activities as part of its school program for the purpose of identifying students who may be in need of special education and related services (eligible students). If your child is identified by the District as possibly in need of such services, you will be notified of procedures, individualized services, and programs for children who are determined to need specially designed instruction due to the following conditions:- Autism
- Deaf-Blindness
- Visual Impairment including Blindness
- Hearing Impairment
- Intellectual Disability
- Multiple Disabilities
- Orthopedic Impairment
- Other Health Impairments
- Physical Disabilities
- Emotional Disturbances
- Specific Learning Disabilities
- Speech and Language Impairment
- Tramatic Brain Injury
If you believe that your school-age child may be in need of special education services, a written request should be sent to the school psychologist. You may request screening and/or evaluation at any time, without cost even if your child is not enrolled in the district’s public school.
In compliance with state and federal law, the Shamokin Area School District will provide to each handicapped student those related aids, services or accommodations which are needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the public school program.Privacy Rights of Parents and Students
All information gathered about your child by the public schools is subject to the confidentiality provisions contained in federal and state laws. The District has policies and procedures in effect governing the collection, maintenance, destruction and disclosure of third party information. The Shamokin Area School District protects the confidentiality of students records. Educational records and personally identifiable information cannot be released without written parental consent or, if the student is over the age of 18, the consent of the student.