• The Shamokin Area School District provides a standards-based K-12 program of instruction and learning to all students. The District follows the guidelines that have been adopted by the Pennsylvania Department of Education in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. You may reference the Common Core Academic Standards Fact Sheet that is located on the "Documents in PDF Format" page, accessible from the link on the left side of this page. The Shamokin Area Professional Educators, faculty, staff, and administration have been engaged in the continual process of analyzing, revising, mapping, and aligning the curriculum of K–12 with the Standards Aligned System (SAS) and the Common Core Standards. The written and planned courses have been approved by our School Board of Educational Directors.
    Resource materials aligned to information and preparation of the PSSA tests for all participating students in grades K-12 can be found at this link.
    Additional information:
    Every Student Succeeds Act