2018 Winter Concert

Welcome Back!

  • Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!  Obviously chorus will look a LOT different this year, but we're still working on performance opportunities for you - even though they might be a little untraditional.  Health and safety will be of utmost importance in all that we do.  A study was recently done on the aerosol effects of singing to determine if choirs can rehearse safely - the general answer was yes, rehearsals are fine, but certain precautions must be taken.  More information will be coming as we get closer to the start of the school year, but be prepared to sing while wearing a mask, rehearsing outdoors, etc.

    DISTRICT CHORUS - As of August 12, 2020, all PMEA district, regional, and the all-state festival are CANCELED.  Students may still audition to qualify for all-state so that the distinction can still be earned without having the festival.  Please see Mrs. Stump for more information 

    This year's handbook is posted on my website and will be available through Google Classroom.  Students attending class in person may get a paper copy if they choose.  A parent contact form will be posted in conjunction with the handbook.  Please complete the form as confirmation that you have read the handbook and so I have the most accurate contact information on record.

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.