Shamokin Area Middle & High School
Dedicated To Excellence In Education
Shamokin Area Guidance Office
Upcoming Events & Reminders:
Upcoming college visits:
9/13- Misericordia University @9am
9/14-Shippensburg University @ 1pm
9/15-Arcadia University @11am
9/18- Lebanon Valley College @ 9am
9/19- Albright College
9/25- Penn College of Technology @9am
Cedar Crest College @ 11am
Wilkes University @ 1pm
***Please listen for announcements on these dates for further instructions!
2023–24 School Year Test Dates
Oct 7, 2023 Sep 7, 2023
RegisterSep 26, 2023 Nov 4, 2023 Oct 5, 2023
RegisterOct 24, 2023 Dec 2, 2023 Nov 2, 2023
RegisterNov 21, 2023 Mar 9, 2024 (Digital)** Feb 23, 2024 February 27, 2024 May 4, 2024 (Digital)** Apr 19, 2024 April 23, 2024 June 1, 2024 (Digital)** May 16, 2024 May 21, 2024 RANK IN CLASS
Rank in class is numerical rank order of students based upon the number of courses, course unit value, academic challenge of the courses taken, and the grades earned by taking these courses. All students have a class rank computed each year on a cumulative basis for the first four (4) years of high school beginning with grade 9. The rank in class is calculated according to the following formula:
(Grade) (Course Unit) (Academic Weight) = Quality Points
- Grade equals final grade earned in a course that has been passed.
- For a full year course, the marking period grade is equal to 22.5% of the final grade. The total percentage of 4 nine weeks combines to 90% and therefore the final exam grade is 10% of the final grade.
- Course Units (c.u.) are assigned to a course based upon the length of time of a course. One (1) c.u. equals a course that meets five (5) days per week for thirty-six (36) weeks. Fractional courses are in direct proportion to this measure.
- Academic Weight: All courses are assigned an academic weight which is based upon the academic challenge of a course as assigned by the certified staff of the department in which the course is taught and as approved by the Academic Standards and Professional Practices Committee.
Academic Weight
Alternative Education
Special Education
General Education
College Prep
Honors Courses
Advanced Placement & Pre-Approved College Courses
The quality points for each course that has been passed are added together. This total is cumulative each year during the first four (4) years of high school. The student with the most quality points in his/her graduating class is ranked the highest. The student with the next highest cumulative total quality points is ranked second, et cetera.
Courses that are graded on a Pass/Fail basis do not accumulate quality points.
In the event that students surpass the maximum courses that may be included, course work taken in the Shamokin Area School District shall count first towards the limit. An additional transferable credit that may be counted towards the maximum is at the discretion of the student.
Only course units that are earned during the regular school year may be counted towards class rank. Transfer students may be included in class rank only after one year of full time studies at Shamokin Area Middle/High School.
Shamokin Area School District has two ways other than AP courses to earn college credits. Shamokin Area has Early College agreements through Luzerne County Community College and Bloomsburg University. Early College courses offered through Luzerne County Community College and Bloomsburg University will be worth 1 credit. Students taking courses at Luzerne County Community College and Bloomsburg University are permitted to take courses to fulfill graduation requirements. High school juniors are permitted to take one course per semester, while high school seniors are permitted to take 2 courses each semester. A maximum of 38 credits will be counted towards graduation and class rank. Early College courses through Luzerne County Community College will be completed after school hours. Families assume all student costs related to DE program participation, including tuition, fees, texts and transportation to and from the college. Families must pay all college bills by the dates specified by the colleges. Reimbursements for tuition, fees, and books will be processed to eligible students if state grant funds are made available to the Shamokin Area School District.
Starting in the 2018/2019 school year, students will be required to complete a job shadowing experience as their graduation project. Students can complete their job shadowing anytime during grades 9th-11th. The required paperwork is available on the left-hand side of this page.
There will be eight class periods per day, and one lunch period will appear on each student’s schedule. All classes meet five periods per week. A student is required to remain in a course, whether required or elective, for its full term.
Written permission must be received from ALL of the following:
Student’s parent.
Teacher whose class student is dropping.
Teacher whose class student is entering.
Guidance counselor.
Up to four weeks: A student may drop a full year course with the above permission. The student must schedule another course. The course dropped is removed from the student’s transcript
Four weeks to nine weeks: A student may drop a full year course with the above permission. The student must schedule an equivalent course. The course dropped is noted on the student’s transcripts as a withdrawal (W) for final grade and the course average will be the first marking period grade on the report card. Credit will be adjusted accordingly. The grade earned will be counted toward honor roll calculations, but will not be counted in either annual GPA or class rank.
Second to fourth marking periods: Any student requesting to be transferred to a different course during this time must put the request in writing stating why he or she should be transferred to a different course. A committee will review this request. Should approval be granted, the student will be given a withdrawal (WP or WF) dependent upon the average at the time of withdrawal. The course dropped will not be counted in either annual GPA or class rank.