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    Name: Mrs. Dobak
    Grade: 6th
    Email: cdobak@indians.k12.pa.us
    Phone: (570) 648-5721 ext. 2407
    Welcome to 6th Grade!  My name is Mrs. Dobak.  I look forward to having a fun and exciting year with you and your child.  Please be sure to check your student's planner each evening for homework assignments and important school reminders.  
    2019-2020 Enrichment Schedule
    Days 1 Computers/Career Exploration
    Days 2 Art
    Day 3 Health
    Day 4 Study Island/Typing
    Days 5 Physical Education
    Day 6 Computers
    Day 7 Study Island/Typing
    Day 8 Library
    Day 9 Music
    Day 10 Physical Education