Shamokin Area Elementary & Intermediate School
Dedicated To Excellence In Education
McGugan, Nina
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Field Trip is scheduled for May 23rd
- If you owe payment, it is due May 17
Please keep checking the binders/planners for school updates!
Progress Reports are now viewable on the Parent Portal for 2nd grade. They will no longer be sent home.
To view/print lunch menu:
Visit, click departments and select Food Services. This is where you now have the option to print the school lunch menu.
Please continue to check your 2nd graders binder daily! Homework that needs to be completed will be in the homework folder. If you are unsure of what needs to be completed, please read and sign/initial the planner. Feel free to write any notes in the planner. You will get a prompt response that way.
Please read all papers that are sent home from the Elementary's office, PTA, or myself. Some papers will have to be returned.
Behavior calendar~please ask your 2nd grader why they are on the color they come home with. They know how and why they earn the colors in the classroom.Enrichment Schedule:
Days 1 and 6 Gym
Days 2 and 7 Music
Days 3 and 8 Library
Days 4 and 9 Computer
Day 10 Art
*If there is a day off, the enrichment day continues the next day of school*
*Grading Scale*
Mastered 93%-100%
Developing 80%-92.9%
Basic 70%-79.9%
Below Basic- 69.9% and below
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year at Shamokin Area Elementary School. My name is Mrs. McGugan, and I will be your second grader’s teacher this year. There are a few things that I would like to share with you at this time.
Students will be provided with the following items:
- Daily binder with a homework folder
- Pencil box
- 3 pencils
- 24-pack of crayons
- 2 glue sticks
- bookmark
- eraser
- notebooks
- Daily planner
*They will not need to bring these items to school; however, they may bring scissors, pencils, paper, and more gluesticks if they wish, along with their clear or mesh book bag.
We may have a 10-15 minute snack break in the afternoon. Please provide a simple snack (granola bar, crackers, fruit snacks, etc.) and/or drink each day. No soda or candy will be permitted. Please keep in mind that snack may not be every day depending on our daily schedule.
A classroom full of children usually means many runny noses, especially during flu season. A donation of tissues for the class would be greatly appreciated.
Homework is an important part of your child’s education. It reinforces the concepts taught in school that day. Every child is expected to complete his/her homework and return it to school the next day. No homework will be given on a Friday; however, they may be expected to read. All homework assignments will be written in the student’s planner, which will be in their binder. The homework, planner, and behavior calendar are kept in the Daily binder that is provided. You are asked to sign/initial the planner everyday. This is to let me know you have seen what homework is to be completed, as well as how their behavior was that school day. If homework is not completed, students may need to attend Workroom during recess to complete any missed assignments, especially tests.
Also, any communication that we have may be written in the planner or through the Remind App.
Please provide a written excuse each time your child is absent from school. Include your child’s name, my name, date of absence and reason for absence on each excuse. Students who do not provide a written excuse will be marked unexcused. Also, if your child is late arriving to school, you must sign him/her in at the Elementary Office. Tardiness starts after 8:15.
Once tests have been graded, they will be placed in a “Test Folder,” and sent home to be signed. Please review and sign each test and return to school with your second grader. I keep the tests for the remainder of the year. A grading scale will be provided in the test folder for your review.
I will be using the Remind App to communicate home to parents/guardians. This will be an easier and faster way for you to communicate with me as well. If there is any information that I need to know, feel free to send it through the app, as well as any question you may have throughout the year. I will respond as quickly as possible. Below is the class code to join my class.
Download REMIND APP in your application store
Enter this number: 81010
Text this message: @mmcguga
*Please check the binder daily. Papers usually go home on a regular basis, including forms that need to be signed and returned per the elementary office. Your second grader will try to keep returned forms separated from work that can be kept at home.
Hopefully, the information I’ve given you will be helpful for you and your child with their start at Shamokin Elementary.
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please feel free to contact me. You may reach me the following ways:
- *Write a note in the planner/Daily Binder-this will get a quick response because I will write back immediately.
- *Leave a message on my voicemail by phoning the school @ 648-5721 and entering my extension, 2107. Please be advised that voicemails are not seen immediately.
- *Email me at I try to check my email throughout the day, but I may not see it until 3:00 when school dismisses.
- Remind App
I am looking forward to a great school year with your 2nd grader!
Mrs. McGugan