• Mr. Robert Ryder
     570-648-5721 x2002

    Mr. Ryder

    Mr. Ryder caught this 24" chain pickerl on the Suataro using a fly that he tied because he read a book about fly tying and followed the instructions.


    Reading Specialist Grades K-2

    Welcome to Mr. Ryder's Remedial Reading website.
    I have been a reading specialist at Shamokin Elementary for the past 17 years in the Remedial Reading Program formerly Title I Reading.  I enjoy teaching reading and outdoor activities such as soccer and fishing.
    A quick note to my students and family.  Below, I have inserted the code for my Google Classroom this year.  Classes will begin after Acadience testing.  Once your student has been selected for additional services, an email will be sent to the STUDENT'S SCHOOL EMAIL.
    Class Code
    Thank you for visiting my site! 
    Last updated on 8/2023

    My agenda is to let all students know that if you can read, you can learn anything!