Shamokin Area Elementary & Intermediate School
Dedicated To Excellence In Education
Name: Angela KramerGrade: 2ndEmail: (570) 648-5721 Ext. 2109
Welcome Back! My name is Ms. Angela Kramer and this will be my 17th year teaching second grade. I'm looking forward to great year of getting to know my students and helping them to become successful in school. We have a new behavior program this year that I'm really excited about. Here are a few things I would like to share with you.
Classroom Supplies
Students will be provided with the following items:
Daily Binder with a homework folder
Pencil Box
2 Pencils
24-pack of crayons
2 glue sticks
Daily planner
They will not need to bring these items to school; however, they may bring scissors, pencils, paper and more glue sticks, along with there clear/mesh bookbag.
Tissues: A classroom full of children means many runny noses, especially during flu season. A donation of tissues is always appreciated.
School approved sweater or jacket- My classroom is usually on the cooler side so your child may want a sweater or jacket to wear. Students are able to wear hoodies to school and outside but they are not permitted to wear them during the school day.