Shamokin Area Elementary & Intermediate School
Dedicated To Excellence In Education

Welcome to first grade! This is my 17th year teaching first grade at Shamokin School District. I enjoy learning and love first grade.
Please contact me through email @ I can be contacted at the Elementary School by calling (570) 648-5721. A message can be left to our secretary or to my mailbox until I can return your phone call after student instructional time after school. I also use the Remind App to communicate to parents/guardians.
First grade teacher

2021-2022 School Supplies
The following items will be provided to your child by Mrs.Kline:
pencil box, crayons, erasers, pencils, glue, scissors and a folder
Your child will need:
clear or mesh bookbag
school uniform * see district website for dress code
Your child can bring other materials such as markers, colored pencils, notebooks, etc. but they are not required. Students are permitted to have a water bottle.
Donations are always appreciated. Our classroom needs:
Extra glue sticks
Baby wipes for art projects
Hand sanitizer
Snack- for when we forget to bring one and we share with others