Google Classroom Code

Google Classroom Information

  • Google Classroom: Signing In


    Steps to signing in to your child’s Google Classroom: 1. Go to, search for “Google Classroom”. Click on Link to “Google Classroom”

    2. Google Classroom will ask for an Login ID/Email and Password. YOUR CHILD HAS THEIR OWN LOGIN ID/EMAIL and PASSWORD. Please do not use your email address. It will not connect it properly to the school.

    a. Their login is: the last two numbers of their student ID, the first letter or their first name, and the first three letters of their last name- followed by

    b. Their password is their student ID. (all numbers)

    3. Once you are logged into Google Classrooms it will ask you to join a class. This is where you would enter your Teacher’s Class Code. The class code was provided on our school’s webpage-



    If you have any questions or need your student’s ID please contact your teacher or the school’s office.